Roaring with Resilience

Roaring with Resilience

Kids are inquisitive and are always pondering about how things worked. Parents and teachers sometimes shy away from these kids because they can no longer provide satisfying answers after their umpteenth whys. Looking for answers from their trusted parents and teachers are children’s mechanism to find out how things work, and their endless strings of whys shows the sure sign that they are not giving up just yet (and isn’t this trait commendable?). Providing answers or assistance to their questions and quests are important for the child to learn about problem solving, about trust and team work, and mostly about striving to accomplish their goals.

Everyone (and every child) has the capacity to become resilient. Parents sometimes rush to pick up their children when they stumble and fall. As an alternative, wouldn’t it be better is we could allow an opportunity for them to pick themselves up, dust themselves off and move on? (Of course, it depends on the intensity of the situation). At times, we notice that some children are particularly ‘fragile’ when their parents are around and watching. Ironically, the same group of children can be strong and independent when they are left to work things out by themselves.

Building resilience in children is important. Resilience helps children to learn to be accountable to achieve their goals and not to give up easily. Had all great inventors given up the first time they failed, we would not have been able to benefit from their many magnificent inventions. As Thomas Edison puts it, ‘I haven’t failed. I’ve identified 10,000 ways this doesn’t work’. Resilience is essential because it demonstrates our capacity to face and overcome adversities, and with that, we are rewarded with the revelation of our innate potentials and inner strength. Providing guidance to children to cope with changes and adversities helps in setting a positive perspective for them to understand that change is constant and that with a positive outlook and practical adaptation, everyone can move forward in a positive way.

Establishing resiliency is a continuous process. Many learning opportunities were dressed up as hard work and often mislabelled as nuisances or road blocks of life. For most children, the practice of resiliency has much to do with coping with change. Change can appear to be a challenge to some kids – the change to a new school or a move to a new residential area entails them to learn to cope with new surroundings where they are deprived of the support of their close friends. Other instances may be something as regular as building a science project or overcoming social issues. Adults can use these opportunities to demonstrate resilience, not providing instant solutions to them, but allowing them the space and nurturing their creativity in finding solutions. Adults’ encouragement fuels their motivation to strive. Remember, resilience applies not only to people as individuals but also as a unit, particularly a family unit!

Unscramble the letters to discover the qualities of a resilient child that you are! (Parents, discuss with your children why these qualities are important!)

1. T U N R T I G S : ___________________________
2. O R O G U A C U E S : ___________________________
3. S I P V O T I E : ___________________________
4. C E F H L U R E : ___________________________
5. C R A G N I : ___________________________
6. R O S T G N : ___________________________
7. A C E V I R T E : ___________________________
8. E N S P R I L O S B E : ___________________________
9. T I S M O P I C I T : ___________________________
10. L E N I G D I T : ___________________________

When in need of an extra boost, perform the Roaring Lion Pose – open your mouth, stick out your tongue and roar like a ferocious lion!

This article was featured in YogaMail Jan-March 2014 issue.


1. Trusting

2. Courageous

3. Positive

4. Cheerful

5. Caring

6. Strong

7. Creative

8. Responsible

9. Optimistic

10. Diligent


This article was featured in YogaMail Jan-Mac 2014 issue.

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