Yoga for Everyone!
Super Yoga Kids (SYK) brings you a variety of programmes for children, teenagers, and the whole family.
Yoga Kids
Children are guided through tailored fun yoga poses to safely develop balance, poise, strength and suppleness as they establish a sense pf physical, mental and emotional balance in them!
Yoga for Teens
Special classes dedicated to teenagers to further promote self awareness while building character, confidence and positive attitude to tackle academic and social challenges in this growth spurt phase.
Pre-Natal Yoga
Precious moments for mother-to-be to bond with the foetus and advocating a healthy lifestyle as you go through this journey together - a sensational journey no tour agents can offer!
School Holiday Programme
Just because school is out, it doesn't mean that learning will halt! The SYK School Holiday Programme is designed to allow kids to have fun while they learn and discover more about themselves.
SYK Yoga Instructor Certification Courses
Amazing certification courses to enhance your teaching! Suitable for all educators, mentors and caregivers.

Super Yoga Kids Instructor Course
A comprehensive course that is equipped with a wide repertoire of children's yoga teaching techniques to stimulate young minds while nurturing their physical and mental development.

Pregnancy Yoga Instructor Course
This course gives you specialised interactive and practical techniques to coach pregnancy ladies throughout their pregancny so you can confidently experience the joy of teaching 2 (both mommy and the unborn baby!)