Yoga Movements for Your Child’s Development

Yoga Movements for Your Child’s Development

Keep on Moving!

Every adult would agree that movements come easy for all children. Well, who wouldn’t? They are in fact like fully charged bunnies, ever bouncing around with seemingly endless energy. If we are to be so bold as to say that children actually need to move more, one could actually hear the parents and teachers gasping in disbelieve before you can even say, ‘run!’

So, why would we say so?

Ever thought of this? – The human body is an intelligently wired unit. Not like a puppet, mind you, but internally ‘wired’ in such a way that all parts are interconnected and interdependent. Externally, it may not seem so but with careful thought and awareness, we would be able to feel each and every part of our bodies functioning in perfect synchronization. ‘Perfect’ may be an overstatement here as many would testify that they experience flashes of ’un-coordinated’ moments. So now, we have two statements that contradict each other. Are we ‘intelligently wired’ or are we ‘un-coordinated’? The truth is we need to put in some effort to remain ‘intelligently wired’. A group of muscles will only turn limp if under utilised for a period of time and could easily lead to the latter state of being ‘un-coordinated’. So to put it in layman’s term, we have to keep moving and be aware of the movements.

Children are already moving about a lot so, why the need to move more?

Granted, children appear to be moving a lot. But when it comes to academics or time to study, the common sights that behold are those of them sitting at their desks buried heavily in their text books. Upon closer observation, we may find them fidgeting, drumming their fingers, scratching their heads, rubbing their ears, shaking their legs or the like, and unable to concentrate. We would be quick to say that these are signs of stress or more likely to assume that these children have a lack of interest in the topic matter or simply a lack of concentration and attention. But have you ever thought that the fidgeting is a way of the body yearning for the need to move? And these movements are needed in order to prepare the brain for learning?

With each movement, signals are being sent to the brain and the brain gets activated and stimulated with new learning. Simple movements like crossing the arms or legs require co-ordination and provide more stimulation to the brain than we think especially through cross section movements (such as touching the left foot with your right hand while standing with legs apart) where both the hemispheres of the brain receive equal amounts of stimulation. Note that in most of our daily activities, we tend to unconsciously use the more dominant parts of our limbs when moving. For example, right handed children would automatically use their right hand to write, pick up things, comb their hair, etc.

So, in order for the brain to maintain its balanced ‘fitness’, it needs to be complimented with balanced bodily movements. As when the brain is ‘balanced’ and ‘fit’ only then can it function to its optimum potential.

A whole body movement

A whole body movement utilises all parts of the body. Many a times we think that the exercises we have been doing is sufficient. Let’s have a closer look now – does  the type of exercises you have been doing utilises your toes, ankles, legs, fingers, wrists, arms, upper body, lower body, the sides of your waist, neck and eyes? Or do they involve the motion of lengthening of the spine, mid section crossing, and strengthening of the body? If any of your answer is no, then lets have a quick reflection here – would you still consider that a whole body exercise?

Here comes yoga…

In Super Yoga Kids (SYK) programme, we recognise the importance of building the foundation of learning and the foundation that we speak of does not refer to pre-school writing skills and the like. The foundation that we are so concern about is the preparation and the enhancement of the whole physical, mental and emotional bodies and their integration. This is what we hold true to when we design our programmes into a unique system that educates the whole child be it for toddlers, pre-schoolers, formal school children, teenagers or young adults. And needless to say, one of the main components in our programmes is balanced bodily movements. Research has shown that co-ordinated and balanced movements appears to stimulate natural substances in our bodies which in turn stimulates the growth of existing nerve cells and increase the number of new nerve cells and neural connections in the brain. Our brains require less energy and function more effectively as we learn and master movements and motor skills.

The wonders of yoga movements…

Physiological blockages can be deemed as a main contributor to learning blockages. In order to have optimum learning results, the whole body should be prepped up with some movements which can enhance learning. Such movements usually derived from movements that utilises the whole body namely the left and right side of the body, as well as the top and bottom part of the body. When we move, there is a direct link to the two hemispheres of the brain and to the specific parts of our brains which are dedicated to enhance specific learning. Movements of all sorts involve other parts of the body which at a glance may not seem to be directly involved or utilised but plays a crucial roles in our lives such as our eyes and ears. (A simple test for those who think that our eyes are not that important to facilitate movements; try tip-toeing with your eyes open and then try the same movement with your eyes closed and you will find a clear distinction with the sense of balance.) The integration and co-ordination of the eyes through movements is important to support reading readiness and the disability of the eyes to track while reading may affect a child’s ability to read. Hence constant practice of integration and strengthening on all these vital parts of our bodies should be in everyone’s list of priorities.

Yoga movements which are famously known for its utilisation and integration of all parts of the body have been deemed as an answer to enhance learning. This is something that SYK students will gladly testify to as all have found that the yoga movements that they have been so diligently doing have indirectly help them in many ways and especially in enhancing learning. Most children and teenagers whom have integrated yoga as part of their lifestyle have found vast improvements in their studies and ability to learn. Most importantly, learning becomes effortless and enjoyable for them.

The top 10 reasons SYK students (and their parents) love SYK classes so much (not in any particular order) is that, Yoga:

  1. Enhances the gross and fine motor skills
  2. Activates increased brain functions (memory, concentration, receptivity, listening skills, comprehension, etc.)
  3. Improves physical, mental and emotional co-ordination
  4. Adds to the results of academic performances
  5. Enhances sports performances
  6. Promotes self correction of postures and alignments
  7. Induces relaxation
  8. Cultivates bodily awareness and respect
  9. Rejuvenates the physical, mental and emotional bodies
  10. Promotes well being

So, now if you think that learning is all in the head or brain, let’s think again. Or better yet, visit our Super Yoga Kids classes to keep on moving. All are welcome!

This article was featured in YogaMail Oct-Dec 2011 issue.

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